10 Ways We Use Swedish Dishcloths

Spring cleaning is on the horizon and I have just one question for you: have you made the switch to Swedish dishcloths yet? Of all the eco-friendly swaps I’ve discovered on my sustainable living journey, this was one of the first I implemented — and it was so easy and satisfying to continue using long-term!

No matter how much we do or don’t consider our environmental footprint, I’m convinced no one likes creating waste. No one feels good about filling up the trash can, even with all of the messes that happen in life. But don’t worry — Swedish dishcloths are the new paper towel, and I’m going to tell you why. 

A baby holding a Swedish dish cloth with a duck pattern

Before I get into today’s tips — some of the many ways you can use Swedish dishcloths — I wanted to share why they’re so great. 

First of all, each cloth replaces approximately 17 rolls of paper towel. That’s a huge win for the planet and for your wallet! Not only is it a reusable and thrifty alternative, it’s also super quick and easy to adopt as a habit. Swedish sponge cloths are incredibly durable and absorbent, and only take a few seconds to rinse after wiping a spill instead of tossing a paper towel in the bin. Just keep it by your sink so you remember to use it (and I promise you’ll feel so much better when you do!). 

Using a Swedish dish cloth with cleaning spray

Swedish dishcloths are safe for nearly all surfaces, so this will be your best friend for doing household chores including dishes, polishing and cleaning with or without products. How to clean yours? Run it through the dishwasher, boil in water or throw it in the washer (just be sure to air dry!).

Made of natural materials, they can go in your backyard or municipal compost, and they have a long lifespan — we’re talking months, or even up to a year. You can keep one or many on hand depending on your needs. I keep one at the sink and another with my cleaning supplies. 

They add a pop of colour to your kitchen, too — there are such pretty designs out there! I love using the brand Goldilocks (can we talk about that mushroom one?). Their cloths absorb up to 20x their weight. Click here to view their product! Use discount code PURPOSEFUL15 for 15% off.

Can you see why I love these so much? Keep reading to learn more!

10 ways to use your Swedish dishcloth:

1. Clean counters

Say goodbye to paper towels! This is all you need. There are a lot of messes made in my house, so trust me when I say this has helped so much. 

2. Wipe baseboards

Paper towels break so easily, making tasks like this extra annoying — I swear my Swedish sponge cloth is a game changer for this one.

3. Use old ones for cleaning bathrooms 

Clean light fixtures, tiles, walls, showers/tubs, etc. — then compost when you’re done! 

4. Dust plants

I feel like this is an easily forgotten step in plant care. A Swedish sponge cloth is an easy tool to wipe the dust off of your plants and keep them healthy.

5. Clean beeswax wraps

Beeswax wraps are another of my favourite sustainable swaps. I have found that Swedish dishcloths do a good job of protecting wraps while cleaning.

6. Keep your windows streak-free 

Another task that could be annoying, but is so much more of a breeze with a better product!

7. Polish stainless steel appliances

I clean my appliances every week, and have made a Swedish sponge cloth part of this routine to keep my kitchen sparkling. 

8. Wipe dirt off your face or hands 

I spend so much time in my garden, and not much makes me happier than getting my hands dirty in nature. To mitigate bringing that dirt indoors, I keep a cloth in my garden bag!

9. Clean sticky fingers

If you didn’t know, I’m the mom of a two year-old. Enough said? :)

10. Lead by example for your kids 

Sustainable living is something that you can teach your children, and it’s remarkable how much information they glean from watching us. Set the standard for them and one day they’ll start the habit!

Bonus: keep a Swedish sponge cloth in the car for random spills — if you’re a parent or dog owner, you know what I mean!

Using a Swedish dish cloth to clean a window

If you’re ready to make just one change in your home, I would highly recommend picking up a Swedish dishcloth. I hope this blog inspired you with some good reasons! For such a simple swap, it makes a big difference in reducing both your carbon footprint and your expenses, so I think it’s the perfect option to get started (or to continue) on your sustainable journey. 

Let me know in the comments or DM me on Instagram if you’ve converted to Swedish dishcloth life, and tell me how you’re finding it! 


* Note: Some links featured in the above post are commissionable/affiliate links.


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