22 Eco-Friendly Party Ideas

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A baby with a Cookie Monster cake at his birthday party

Hey party people! I am here to tell you today that eco-friendly parties can be easy and fun — and look gorgeous. With anything I do on this blog, my goal is to make eco-conscious living attainable and beautiful at the same time. Making parties a little more environmentally friendly doesn’t have to be boring; it just may take a moment to think about a better alternative to achieve your vision. I am all about fun themes and making parties look beautiful for photos, and that doesn’t have to change when you find sustainable solutions!

Before we begin, you should know that the 22 ideas I am about to share can work for any type of party! Why 22 ideas? It’s 2022 and we are all ready for a party! Whether you’re planning a children's birthday party, a backyard BBQ or even a larger party in your home, this list will get you started on the right foot. Now let’s get you ready to be a sustainable party host!

1. Say no to single use plates, cups and cutlery

Refuse single use plastic/paper options and opt for a long-term solution in your household. You can bring out plates, cups and cutlery from your home, or borrow items from friends for a larger gathering, or even invest in items meant for outdoor events to use over and over again. Wahoo, the last one lets you go shopping! Choose wisely and choose quality, though. Another option is to rent plateware from a company — plates can be rented for as little as 50 cents each. 

2. Get some reusable balloons

What?? Those exist?! Yes, yes they do. Single use balloons are best to be avoided for many environmental reasons. Yes, even biodegradable ones, as they take years or even decades to decompose (which means wildlife could ingest it). Decorate with a reusable balloon or two — less is more! We absolutely love our balloon from Fancy Little Day.

3. Shop bulk for snacks

Skip pre-packaged snacks and shop the bulk aisle for snacks you can refill in your own containers. Nuts, popcorn and candy are always hits! They also look great on the table and there’s no need for extra plastic waste.

4. Decorate with food!

Skip the single use decor and decorate with food instead: large platters of colourful veggies and fruit, baked goods, a candy bar and more. Place your table in front of a neutral wall or outside by a large green scrub for a backdrop. See below for our Cookie Monster themed photo op with edible decor, crates and a banner we have reused many times.

5. Create thoughtful goody bags/party favours

This is always one of the most-asked questions I get! For weddings or adult parties I say SKIP it altogether as it’s just one more thing on your plate. If you really want to give something to your guests, here are my suggestions: a local baked good, a cute jar with pickled veggies or dried flowers. For kids’ parties I like to give non-toxic art supplies, or create an art project at the party that they can take home. More ideas: plastic free hair accessories like scrunchies, pencils, secondhand toys or DIY playdough (check out my recipe here).

6. Choose more meatless options

By choosing less meat you’re helping the overall carbon footprint of your party. Opt for veggie burgers, veggie pizza, tofu-based meals and vegetarian salads.

7. Supply vegan wine!

When we think of wine we don’t often think about whether it’s vegan or not. Unless it has that large V on it for vegan, it’s not completely vegan and there may be animal products used in the process of making that wine. We love wine by Blue Grouse as their sustainability mission and values are transparent — try one of their vegan wines at your next gathering!

8. Purchase naked fruit and veggies

It takes maybe 10 more minutes of your life to cut a few veggies and fruit instead of buying a ready-made platter in plastic. I love choosing certain fruits and veggies that are in season or what my guests may like. Ever had a whole bunch of cauliflower leftover that you have to compost from those pre-made platters? No thank you!

9. Put compost, recycling and waste bins on display

This especially goes for outdoor parties. You can drastically reduce your party’s waste by making disposal clearly labelled. If you’ve chosen low waste party supplies, you might only need compost and recycling bins!

10. Snack idea: make your own kale chips

Okay okay, this is next level but I promise, both kids and adults love them! If you have the time, make your own to skip the chip bags. Here’s my recipe!

11. Be honest about presents

Be clear with guests if you want presents or not. If you do, ask for specific presents for your child OR mention that there will be a toonie jar for them to buy something meaningful after the party. Setting the expectation upfront is very important and parents crave that! Guide them — you’re doing them a favour, really.

12. Wrap gifts the low waste way

Wrapping a present? Reuse a bag you’ve kept in your home from another present, or invest in Furoshiki wrap for your recipient to reuse in the future. We love The Market Bags upcycled collection, shop here.

13. Go for leaf confetti!

Do you have a hole puncher? Okay, this is for you! Gather leaves from the ground a day or two before the party, let them dry and then start punching holes! Display on your tables for an extra little decoration.

14. Lay a tablecloth you’ll use again and again

We all love a good tablecloth! Instead of buying one every year to match a theme or palette, opt for a neutral, classic colour that you can use long after this party’s done. Invest in 100% organic cotton that can be washed, if possible. 

15. Hire a caterer

Hire a local company to come and feed you and your guests local goodness. They often can bring all the plateware, cutlery and cups you need. This could be for a big party or perhaps you could cater a few cheese and cracker platters. It’s also supporting a local business in your community!

16. Set out cloth napkins

One of my all-time favourite swaps! Now, if you have paper napkins in your home already, use them up! The first rule for a low waste lifestyle is to use up what you have. Once they’re gone, having cloth napkins feels so good on your hands and mouth and can be washed. I would go for neutral colours like greys, creams and whites.

17. Normalize borrowing!

Recruit a few friends to bring any items you need, if you can get away without buying them yourself (you can return the favour!). Borrowing is a wonderful way to make sure items get used more often throughout the year, and it saves money!

18. Make any theme plastic free

Want a theme? No problem. Choose plastic free ways to decorate for the party! For example, here’s how I planned a Cookie Monster theme for my son’s birthday. I made a Cookie Monster cake and treats, decorated with glasses of milk (I used 1 tsp of milk per glass and filled the rest with water to be less wasteful), put on a blue outfit, served blue and white drinks, and put up DIY blue and white decorations.

19. Decorate with in-season florals

This is another favourite of mine — flowers make everything look good. Either shop at your local florist for chemical free flowers, make an arrangement from your garden or ask a friend to cut a few of their blooms. You can make a beautiful flower statement for not much money or even for free! Tip: It doesn’t always have to be flowers. You can hang greenery up as a backdrop or in vases to create the same feel. 

20. Invest less in decor and more in the cake!

Many of us don’t have time to bake a large cake. Use the money you might have spent on decor to have a local baker make the cake of your dreams. Look for wood or plastic free cake toppers.

21. Light beeswax candles

This is the most eco-friendly candle option on the market! I love beeswax candles as they smell good and last a long time. Keep the candles if they have just been blown out and use them next time. If you want to get a numbered candle, there are beeswax options — click here!

22. Use fabric bowl covers or beeswax wraps

Seal all your salads, chip bowls, etc. with fabric bowl covers or beeswax wraps to ensure you don’t need to use cling wrap. These are great investments for storing food in your home year-round or when you go to a dinner party.

I hope you enjoyed reading and that you are now filled with ideas for hosting future celebrations. Remember, the most important takeaway from any gathering is the time spent with friends, family, and new connections — so here’s to making more memories! Happy partying!


* Note: Some links featured in the above post are commissionable/affiliate links.


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