31 Ways You Can Reduce Your Plastic All Year Long

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This is a long list so I’ll make the introduction short. My number one tip I want to pass on is progress over perfection and one step at a time. Ok two tips to pass on! These are all habits I have made over time (the last 3 years) and I am still not perfect. It’s about living a little more consciously and creating long term sustainable habits in your home. Take a break when you need, regroup when you need and celebrate the small wins! Ok, here we go:

1. Reusing 

When you buy plastic at the grocery store — e.g. for spreads like cream cheese or tzatziki — keep the containers! There are lots of ways to reuse them. For instance, fill them with water when your kids are painting or use it as an organizer for small things in a drawer.

2. Straight-to-the-bin compost

Why do we use bags? The manufacturing, time needed to decompose, and potential for microplastics mean biodegradable plastics are still problematic. Even the compost bags we buy are separated at waste facilities to go to the landfill! Say no to those and instead, add your compost right into the bin under your sink. Rinse and repeat! Reminder to check your municipal rules first.

3. Shampoo/conditioner bars

This one might be new for you, but don’t knock it til you’ve tried it! Shampoo and conditioner bars are an amazing alternative to plastic bottles. Find ones that work for your hair, it may take a couple companies to find the one that works for you. I have been using Good Juju for a year now and found the one that works for me! A bar lasts my husband and I 6 months (one bar a year per person). Click here to shop, I personally use the scalp care bar. *Use discount code PURPOSEFUL10 for 10% off at checkout.

4. Refusing

Never forget the power of refusal! Say NO to plastic cutlery and extra packaging when you order takeout (you can usually specify that request on delivery apps in the special instructions area!).

5. Energy balls

Make energy balls instead of granola bars to avoid the plastic waste. My favourite recipe uses oats, shredded coconut, honey, flaxseed and a nut butter to make delicious bite-sized sources of energy. And they’re so easy to make and don’t require any baking.

6. Beeswax wraps

Preserve food without plastic! Beeswax wraps are breathable, durable and reusable — unlike plastic cling wrap. Use them to keep food like avocados and blocks of cheese lasting longer or wrap bowls and containers with no lids. We have used Nature Bee Wraps for almost three years now! Click here to purchase. *Use discount code PURPOSEFUL10 for 10% off at checkout.

7. Refilling

Join the refill revolution! Look for a place in your area that offers refills for body and household products. You can use the same container over and over again whether it’s glass or plastic! I regularly refill hand soap, hair oil, laundry detergent and lots more.

8. Tea, hold the microplastics

Conventional tea bags are notorious sources of microplastics, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have our cuppa! Look for compostable tea bags or — even better — opt for loose leaf tea (I put mine in a reusable cloth tea bag I can wash after or in a stainless steel pod).

9. Plane preparation

Traveling definitely requires preparation! Here’s my plane checklist to avoid extra plastic waste: a reusable water bottle (fill it after security), bamboo cutlery in a travel case, a metal straw, and a cloth napkin.

10. Dry shampoo in glass bottles

Aerosols often are non-recyclable, contain plastic and are full of toxic chemicals. All reasons to look for natural dry shampoo in glass! I love enLihte for high-performing, chemical free hair powder made in refillable packaging that looks gorgeous. Use iscount code PURPOSEFUL15 for 15% off, Shop here.

11. Paper fruit containers

Purchase fruit in paper containers instead of plastic ones! You can find these at your local farmers’ market and many independent grocery stores in the summer time. Skip those plastic clamshell containers when you can. TIP * I stock up on local produce and freeze to last for the winter. I add to smoothies, desserts and more.

11. Solid dish soap

Liquid soaps often consist of 50% or more water — which means you’re buying more water. This is where solid dish soap comes in! Dish blocks last longer and are much more sustainable than a plastic bottle of soap, not to mention the carbon footprint of the transportation.

12. Reusable straws

The bad news: ​​Canadians use close to 57 million straws every day. The good news: reusable straws have come a long way! Stock up on metal, glass or bamboo straws and use those instead of plastic ones at the home and on the go.

13. Beauty products in glass packaging you can reuse

When shopping for skincare, try to go for items packaged in glass instead of plastic. When you’re done, you can reuse the bottles! I like to use mine as little flower vases. We have been using Wild Skin Care (100% natural) for two years now. Shop here *Use discount code PURPOSEFUL10 for 10% off at checkout.

15. Soap bars

You can keep your soap plastic free by choosing soap bars instead of plastic bottles! I’m a loyal fan of the honey oat vegan exfoliating bar soap by Wychbury Ave *use code PURPOSEFUL10 for 10% off. Based in Victoria, BC and they give back .25 cents of every soap bar to women in need.

16. Reusable water bottles

We all know this one — try to avoid single use plastic bottles. About 86% of Canada’s plastic waste ends up in the landfill, while only 9% is recycled. Help improve this statistic by finding a reusable bottle you love and bring it everywhere!

17. Compostable dish brushes

Plastic scrub brushes can leach microplastics into our water. Do the dishes plastic free by choosing a brush made of natural materials with a wood or metal handle. Hold onto the handle and just compost & replace the brush head!

18. Silicone snack bags

Have you switched from Ziploc to silicone bags yet? Silicone bags are fantastic for storing all your snacks — you can even freeze them! Or, get multiple uses out of your current plastic bags by washing them in warm not hot water. Slowly making the investment to silicone bags should be the goal.

19. Milk in glass bottles

If this is available to you, I highly recommend choosing milk in returnable glass bottles! This is a great way to help reduce plastic that ends up in the landfill and you get the $1.50-$2.00 deposit back when you return.

20. Compostable takeout containers

No need to say goodbye to takeout. Just try to order from companies that have certified compostable containers and make sure to compost when you’re done!

21. Reusable Cotton bags for produce or bulk

Canadians use almost 15 billion plastic bags every year. Pass on those and choose upcycled cotton bags — like this one below from The Market Bags (use discount code PURPOSEFUL10 for 10% off) — to use again and again! Fill them with produce, bulk items, snacks on the go and more. 

22. Reusable coffee cups

Bring your reusable coffee cup to your favourite cafe so you don’t have to walk out with a to-go cup! There are tons of brands out there making great options. My tip: Find one you love to ensure you want to bring it everywhere you go.

23. Friendlier dishwasher detergent

If you have a dishwasher, look for detergent you can refill OR in paper boxes you can recycle, to avoid plastic bottles. 

24. Recyclable lip balms

See if you can get a lip balm packaged in paper that you can recycle. I’m obsessed with the “lippy” lines by Glow Jar — it’s a lip treatment made in 100% biodegradable cardboard packaging. Shop here *use discount code PURPOSEFUL10 for 10% off

25. Eco party decorations

Not to be a party pooper, but single use balloons are best to be avoided for many environmental reasons. Yes, EVEN biodegradable ones, as they take years or even decades to decompose. Decorate with a reusable balloon or two (less is more!), a banner and other reusable items! Use food and desserts to help create a theme at the party. I love Little Fancy party decor as seen in the photo below, shop here.

26. Safer-for-you lunch containers

Exposure to phthalates, BPA and other plastics additives has been linked to a host of health issues. Invest in glass, stainless steel or silicone containers for lunches or food on the go — they’re safer and more durable!

27. Plastic free hair elastics

It’s the worst when a plastic hair accessory breaks and goes in the bin. Thankfully, there are now plastic free hair elastics on the market!

28. Recycled or bamboo toilet paper

Let’s move away from toilet paper that’s individually wrapped in plastic! I bulk order from Seventh Generation, which is made from 100% recycled paper and whitened without chlorine bleach. OR, switch to bamboo toilet paper that is wrapped in recycled paper. 

29. Hair products packaged in glass

Most of us probably use at least a couple hair products regularly, like leave-in conditioner or hair masks. Here’s your sign to switch to non-toxic, cruelty free hair care in glass bottles! I love Goldilocks (use discount code PURPOSEFUL15 for 15% off)! Shop here.

30. Cleaner cleaning

Get your cleaning supplies in glass bottles that you can refill at a zero waste shop or with your own DIY cleaner! Or, do the same by reusing plastic cleaning bottles you’ve finished instead of putting in the recycling each month.

31. Laundry strips

If you haven’t tried laundry strips yet, I’m about to change your life. Instead of using liquid detergent in plastic bottles which have a heavy transportation footprint, try Good Juju’s super-concentrated, plastic free laundry strips! Shop here * use discount code PURPOSEFUL10 for 10% off.

BONUS: Buying local

Need an everyday household item and about to add it to your cart online? Can you get it at your local store instead? Even if it’s delivered in a cardboard box, there is almost always plastic wrap and stickers on the packaging. Try to get as many of your household items at the store, boxless and package free as possible.

Happy plastic free living, one step at a time!


* Note: Some links featured in the above post are commissionable/affiliate links.


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